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Recent MN & WI Lakeshore Property Searches
Featured MN & WI Lake Properties For Sale

Local Brokerage. Global Reach. is the lakeshore sales division and the crown jewel of The Dane Arthur Real Estate Agency, a boutique real estate brokerage with offices and sales professionals throughout Minnesota & Wisconsin. With $billions of dollars in sales, we've been in the business of delighting our clients for more than 20 years. Our lakeshore sales division is made up of the sales associates in our company who specialize in lake home, cabin and lake lot sales throughout the great northwoods. All of our agents receive ongoing, high-level training and specialize in providing expert, white-glove representation without the pretentiousness often associated with luxury brands. Whether you are buying a lake lot, small cabin or a multi-million dollar lakefront estate, we'll be there for you every step of the way while treating you with the respect, honesty and integrity you deserve.
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Real Estate Careers @ DANE ARTHUR
Whether you are in the planning stages of becoming a REALTOR® or you are a veteran agent at a stale "big-box" brokerage, we encourage you to contact us today. Together, we'll explore the exciting opportunities available to you at The Dane Arthur Real Estate Agency.
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